Data Protection Declaration

Technologie v2

Data Protection Declaration

1. Data Protection at a glance

Responsible entity:

Hopfenveredlung St. Johann GmbH
Auenstrasse 18-20
85283 Wolnzach

Represented by:
Hopfenveredlung St. Johann GmbH, represented by Managing Directors:
Oliver Bergner, Dr. Erich Lehmair
NATECO₂ is a brand name of Hopfenveredlung St. Johann GmbH

Phone: +49 8442 660
Fax: +49 8442 6666

Register entry:
Entry in commercial register.
Registry court: Local court Nuremberg
Registry number: HR B 33254

Value added tax:
VAT-Identification number according to § 27a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 133 404 100

General remarks

Following remarks provide a simple overview, on what will happen with your personalized data, if you visit our website. Personalized data is all data, which can be used to personally identify you. Please refer to our listed Data Protection Declaration, included in this text, for more detailled information regarding data protection.

How is data recorded?

On one hand, data is captured by means of you directly providing it to us. This can be data, which you enter into a contact form, for example.

On the other hand, data is automatically recorded by our IT-Systems, when visiting the website. This includes mainly technical data (e.g. internet browsers, operating system or timing of page view). Recording of these data is effected automatically, as soon as you enter our website.

For which purpose do we use these data?

Data is collected partially, to guarantee error-free provision of website. Other kind of data can be used for analysis of your user behaviour.

Which rights do you possess regarding your data?

At any given time, you are entitled to receive free-of-charge information on origin, recipient and purpose of your personalized data. Moreover, you are entitled to demand correction, blocking or deletion of these data. Herefore, as well as regarding further questions on the topic of data protection, you can contact us any time, at address indicated on the imprint. Furthermore, you are entitled to file a complaint at the responsible supervisory authority.

Analysis tools and tools of third-party providers

When visiting our website, your web browsing behaviour may be evaluated statistically. This is mainly effected via cookies and so-called analysis programs. Analysis of your web browsing behaviour is normally effected anonymously; web browsing behaviour cannot be backtracked to you. You can object to this analysis, or prevent it by disuse of certain tools. Please refer to following Data Protection Declaration for more detailed information.

You can object to this analysis. We will inform you on possibilities of objection in this Data Protection Declaration.

2. General Notes and Mandatory Information

Data protection

Pages’ operator takes protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personalized data confidentially and in accordance with legal data protection guidelines, as well as this Data Protection Declaration.

If you use this website, different personalized data are captured. Personalized data are data, which you can personally be identified by. Present Data Protection Declaration outlines, which data are captured and for what it is used. Document also explains how and for which purpose this is effected.

We would like to point out, that data transmission on the internet (e.g. communications via email) may be subject to security loopholes. Overall data security, preventing third-party access, is not possible.

Withdrawal of permission for data processing

Many data processing procedures are only possible with your explicit consent. You are entitled to withdraw already provided consent at any time. An informal notification to us will suffice. Legitimacy of data processing, which has been carried out prior to withdrawal, remains unaffected by withdrawal.

Right of appeal at responsible supervisory authority

In case of infringements, concerning data protection law, parties concerned are entitled to file a complaint at responsible supervisory authority. Federal Data Protection Commissioner of federal German state, in which our company resides, is responsible supervisory authority on data protection issues.
List of Data Protection Agencies of Federal States, along with their contact data, can be retrieved from following link:

Right to data portability

You are entitled to handing-over of data, which are processed by us automatically, based on your consent or fulfillment of a contract, to you or a third party, in a common machine-readable format. Provided that you request direct transmission of data to another responsible person, this is only effected, as far as technically feasible.

SSL- resp. TLS-encryption

Out of security reasons and for protective transmission of confidential contents, e.g. orders or enquiries, which you send to us as a website operator, this page utilizes SSL- resp. TLS-encryption. You are able to recognize an encrypted link by your browser address bar, changing from “http://” to “https://”, as well as by the lock symbol in your browser line.

If SSL- resp. TLS-encryption is activated, data you transmit to us cannot be read along by third parties.

Information, Blocking, Deletion

In accordance with valid legal regulations, you are at any given time entitled to receive free-of-charge information on saved personalized data, its origin and recipient, as well as purpose of data processing and, if applicable, are entitled to correct, block or delete these data. Herefore, as well as regarding further questions on the topic of personalized data, you can contact us any time, at address indicated on the imprint.

Objection to advertisement mails

We herewith object to use of contact data, which was published as part of imprint obligations, for transmission of not explicitly requested advertisement and information literature. Websites’ operator specifically reserves the right to take legal action, in case of unsolicited transmission of advertisement information, like spam emails.

Data Protection Commissioner

Legally required Data Protection Commissioner

Our Data Protection Commissioner can be reached at:

4. Data Recording on our website


Websites partially use so-called cookies. Cookies do not cause damage on your computer and do not contain viruses. Cookies assist in making our website offer more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your computer and saved by your browser.

Most cookies used by us are so-called “session cookies”. Upon termination of your website visit, these are automatically deleted. Other cookies remain stored on your terminal device until you delete them. These cookies enable us, to recognize your browser at the next visit.
By adjusting your browser, you can be informed on cookie setting and allow cookies only in individual cases, exclude acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general, as well as activate automatic delection of cookies when terminating browser. When deactivating cookies, functionality of webpage may be restricted.

Cookies required for execution of electronic communication procedures, or for provision of certain functions demanded by you (e.g. shopping cart function) are saved, based on Act 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f of Basic Regulation on Data Protection (German “DSGVO”). Website operator has a legitimate interest in storage of cookies, in order to provide its services technically fault-free and in an optimized manner. Insofar other cookies (e.g. cookies for analysis of browsing behaviour) are stored, these are mentioned separately in this Data Protection Declaration.

Server log files

Website provider automatically captures and saves information in so-called server log files, which your browser transmits to us automatically. These data include:

  • Browser type and browser versions
  • Used operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • Host name of accessing computer
  • Time of server request
  • IP-address

Consolidation of these data, with other data sources, is not effected.

Data recording is carried out, based on Act 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f of Basic Regulation on Data Protection (German “DSGVO”). Website operator has a legitimate interest in technically fault-free presentation and optimization of its website – herefore server log files have to be recorded.

5. Plug-Ins and Tools

Content Management

Cookie Consent by Complianz


Our website uses Plug-Ins of Vimeo video portal. Provider is Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA.

If you visit one of our websites, equipped with Vimeo-Plug-Ins, a connection with the servers of Vimeo is established. In this case, Vimeo-server is informed on which of our pages you visited. Moreover Vimeo obtains your IP-address. This also applies, if you are not logged into Vimeo, or do not possess an account at Vimeo. Information recorded by Vimeo, are transmitted to Vimeo-servers in the USA.

If you are logged into your Vimeo-account, you enable Vimeo to allocate your browsing behaviour directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this, by logging out of your Vimeo-account.

More information on handling of users’ data can be found in Vimeo’s Data Protection Declaration as follows:

It is possible, that we use service providers and third-party providers, which are located in countries outside the European Union and outside the European Economic Area. Transmission of personalized data in such third countries is effected, based on an adequacy decision of the European Commission (article 45 of DSGVO=German General Data Protection Regulation), via standard contract terms with respective provider and for the USA via a Data Privacy Framework (DPF).